Your Customized Emergency Kit

Now that you have done your assessment and prepared your personalized emergency plan, you can start customizing your emergency kit.

Most people buy a standard emergency kit without really knowing what’s inside, neither knowing how to use some of its elements. The day an emergency strikes, they will waste precious time unpacking its items and finding out how to handle and use them. They will also realize that a few things are missing (for example: why do you buy a kit for four people with only one pair of gloves or one goggles …?).

This is why an emergency kit must be customized to your specific needs! It is a collection of vital items your household may need in the event of a disaster. No need to buy all of them, you probably already have many things that can be used to start building your kit.

When and where do you need an emergency kit:

In case of shelter in place, you should have a one week kit prepared.

If you need to evacuate, consider a portable emergency kit that you will be able to throw in your car, your kit should allow you to be self-sufficient for 2 to 4 days.

Consider also having a small (basic) kit that you can keep in your car or at your workplace, so you are always ready to face unexpected situations.

The emergency kit golden rules: 

Stored it in an easily accessible place. Your portable kit should be placed by an exit.

You must know how to use each item in your emergency kits.

Make sure that every person involved in your emergency plan knows where the kits are, and what’s inside.

Every item must be ready to use, therefore avoid extra packaging.

Check your kits regularly and update/replenish their items if needed. Tip: Place a reminder in your electronic calendar.

According to your budget, select quality vs « trendy » items.

Always remember that, in case of a disaster, first responders might be overwhelmed for the first 48 to 72 hours, this is a time when you will need to be autonomous. 

What is inside your emergency kit:

Consider the « must have » items and the « good to have » ones, they can be divided into six main categories:

  • equipment and tools;

  • health;

  • food and water;

  • self-protection;

  • documents and information;

  • comfort and personal items.

In the next upcoming articles, we will go through each category and item to help you build your customized emergency kit.





Ready to Go Emergency Kit


Personalized Communication Plan