Do you know how much water you use each day?

Of course water uses vary by individual, I personally run the water for 4 to 5 minutes to take a shower when my daughter would spend at least 20 minutes (if we didn’t remind her to “think about the planet!”).

The structure and condition of your house as well as the age of your devices will make a big difference.

Check on how much water a leaking faucet wastes on the The United States Geological Survey website: Drip Calculator You'll be impressed!

The following is an estimate but it will give you an idea of how much water you use:

Bath 40 to 60 gallons. Tip: take showers instead of baths.

Shower About 2,5 gallons per minute (that’s 20 gallons of water for the average shower according to the EPA). Tip: use a low-flow shower-head shower.

Teeth brushing 0,5 to 1 gallon. Tip: turn the faucet off when brushing teeth.

Hands washing About 1 gallon. Tip: installing a faucet-head aerator will use less water thanks to the introduction of small bubbles to the water flow (5 to 15$ as average price).

Dishwasher 8 to 16 gallons per load, 3 to 6 gallons for EnergyStar rated models (they also save electricity). Tip: dishwashing by hand uses actually more water: up to 27 gallons for the same load (depending on how efficient you are, of course!), unless you instal a faucet-head aerator and don’t let the water run while you wash every dish.

Clothes washer 15 to 30 gallons per load for newer washers, up to 45 gallons per load for older models. Tip: energyStar rated washers save a lot of water and electricity.

Toilet flush New toilets use 1.6 gallons per flush, 3 to 4 gallons for older ones. Tip: check for leaks and install a new low-flow toilet.

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