Take the first step of preparedness today!

Go from the intent-to-prepare to preparedness action. 

Preparing for a disaster or an emergency situation doesn’t have to be stressful or time consuming. We have developed a simplified and realistic approach based on our founder extensive professional and personal experience; and because emergency preparedness customization is key, our tools and processes make preparedness accessible, efficient and tailored to your personal needs.

Group Coaching Session

Gather your family, friends and neighbors for a group coaching session with Franck and build your own SPEro* community.

According to your requirements: emergency planning, emergency communication, emergency kits, stress management techniques and how to develop a preparedness mindset to be proactive instead of reactive. All tips, information and techniques inspired by Franck’s field experience as a special force officer.

Contact us for information on rates.

*A SPEro is like the Project SPE ‘hero’ of the family. The person who is in charge of the emergency planning for their household.  We combined SPE - Safe, Prepared Equipped with Hero!